Активность радиолюбителей с островов в рамках программы IOTA представлена the Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster, по состоянию на 10 сентября 2018 года, под редакцией Tedd’а Mirgliotta KB8NW, составленной по информации, полученной накануне от различных радиолюбительских источников, друзей популярной программы Islands On The Air (Острова в эфире).
AF-111. (New IOTA). The DX-World.net reports that operators Eric/EL2EF,
Col/MM0NDX and Jonathan/MM0OKG plan to be active from Telengbe
Island (southern Liberia) as EL2EL/4 during early November 2018.
This activity is dependent on weather and sea conditions. Look
for a Web site with more info to be coming soon.
AS-073. Members of the Kuala Lumpur DX Team will be active as 9M4IOTA
from Redang Island, West Malaysia, between September 15-17th.
Activity is usually on 80-10 meters using CW, SSB and the
Digital modes. QSL via 9M2OOO direct.
EU-051. Members of IO9A Contest Team will be active as IE9A from
Ustica Island between September 14-16th. The team will be
made up of Antonello/IT9YVO, Antonio/IT9UFP, Emanuele/IW9GEC
and Francesco/IZ7KHR. Planned activities with multiple operating
stations will be on all HF and 6m bands on CW, SSB and the
Digital modes (FT8 in 6m and RTTY on HF bands). QSL card
request via IT9YVO, via direct with proper SASE and contri-
bution. All QSO will be uploaded on LoTW after the DXpedition.
For more details and updates, see:
EU-052. Oliver, DK7TX, will be active as SV8/DK7TX from three of the
IOTA group EU-052 (Islands of Paxoi, Vido and Kerkyra) between
September 9-15th. Activity will be holiday style on 40-6 meters
(mostly on 20/15/10m). QSL via his home callsign, by the
Bureau or eQSL.
EU-068. Fabien, F4GYM, will be active as F4GYM/P from Sein Island
(DIFM AT007) between October 2-5th. Activity will be on 80-10
meters using SSB and the Digital modes. On October 1st and
5th, he will be operating from some FFF and from Audierne
Lighthouse. QSL via F4GYM, direct or by the Bureau.
EU-156. Operators Max/DF2MX, Robert/DK2RO and Anton/DL8AW will be
active as F/DF2MX/P, F/DK2RO/P and F/DL8AW/P, respectively,
sometime between September 11th and 14th. They state, «As
access to the island is very dependent on weather and tidal
conditions, exact times of operation are not yet determined.»
Activity will be on CW and SSB. QSL via their home callsigns,
by the Bureau, direct, ClubLog’s OQRS or LoTW.
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