Полезные ссылки на наиболее удачные публикации по любительской тематике в этом обзоре ТОП радиолюбительских интернет ресурсов за прошедшие недели. К просмотру предлагается обзор лучших радиолюбительских сайтов: «Top Amateur Radio Websites» (Выпуск No 2008). Подборка интересных и полезных для радиолюбителей ссылок составлена 17 мая 2020 года на DXzone.com.
A vertical antenna project for the 7MHz made with some spare parts. Based on a broken 20 foot fishing pole, it is based on a good ground system made with radials and a capacitive hat done to increase the global radiation resistance of the antenna. A custom loading coil is also included in this project to perfectly tune the antenna to the CW portion of the 40 meters band.
Amateur radio kits dealer, online shop for ham radio transceiver kits.
This article describes a unique copper pipe fan dipole that the author home made and that provides fantastic results.
This article is about a home made project of a whip antenna for 2 meters band. Includes lenght of whip for all frequencies from 140 MHz to 151 MHz both in mm and inches
Software Defined Radio (SDR) for analog and digital modulation modes, can demodulate AM envelope, AM synchronous, AM stereo, LSB, USB, FM, FM Broadcast, DRM30, DRM+
This is a schematic drawing of a project for the construction of a portable mast that can easily be made with PVC pipes.
This article taken from the IARU Region 1 VHF handbook, is about the history of the original Locator System named QRA-Locator consisted of just five-character code, two capital letters, a two-digit number and a lower-case letter, like inf example CM72j