Полезные ссылки на наиболее удачные публикации по любительской тематике в обзоре ТОП радиолюбительских интернет ресурсов за прошедшие недели. К просмотру предлагается обзор лучших радиолюбительских сайтов: «Top Amateur Radio Websites» (Выпуск No 2010). Подборка интересных и полезных для радиолюбителей ссылок составлена 14 июня 2020 года на DXzone.com.
Learn Morse Online in 40 lessons with this web based morse code learning program, based on the Koch method. Choose the lesson, adjust the wanted parameters, and start the transmission of a set of random characters based on chosen lesson. Recognize the code and verify it at the end of the lesson.
The Quadrifilar Helical antenna provides circular polarization and complete hemispherical reception, which is precisely what is needed to receive the polar orbiting weather satellites, and as a 2 meter antenna it will receive horizontal, vertical and clockwise circular polarization.
2E0RDj Amateur Radio Station in Beachley, Nr Chepstow. IO81QP. Projects, Radio & Weather.
How to receive NOAA weather satellite with a home made QFH Antenna. This project includes some easy and efficient notch filters to suppress noise from FM frequencies
Our ideas about HF baluns have changed dramatically in recent years. The focus today is very much on suppressing unwanted common-mode RF currents, to reduce both the received noise levels and the risks of causing interference on transmit.
A very small receiver converter that can be plugged to the backside of the battery powered portable transceiver FT817 from Yaesu. A high performance receiver for 2.3GHz amateur radio signal
Modification to an old cellular phone base station modules, with a fairly reduced output power (10 watts or so), the stock power amplifier modules will cover the 2.3 GHz and 2.4 GHz amateur radio bands.
The ARES Emergency Net Log application is specifically designed for use by ARES Net Control Stations.
This version of the 137MHz quadrifilar antenna for APT reception is an adaptation from Bill Sykes and Bob Cobey Taming the QFH which appeared in the March 1997 RIG magazine. This article contains detailed 3D pictures and models and detailed pictures.