Поскольку в прошлом не было сделано никаких новых объявлений IOTA за последние несколько недель (вероятно, из-за многих ограничений на поездки по COVID-19), снова было решено перечислить некоторые действующие операции IOTA, которые были активны на прошлой неделе с 10 по 16 мая (согласно DXCluster) и ещё добавлено несколько сообщений (с фото) о работе с островов.
IOTA News from OPDX
18 May, 2020
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
Island activities:
IOTA Callsign Island/GROUP Bands/Modes
------ ---------- ------------- ------------
AF-004 EA8ARI La Palma 40/20m; SSB
AF-004 EA8DEG Arona 20m; SSB
AF-004 EA8JK La Palma 17m; SSB
AF-016 FR4NT Reunion 80m; FT8
AF-022 ZD7FT St. Helena 15m; SSB
AF-022 ZD7MY St. Helena 17m; FT8
AS-007 JA0IKP Honshu 80m; CW
AS-007 JA1GZV Honshu 40m; CW
AS-007 JA3CZY Honshu 40m; SSB
AS-007 JR7TKG Honshu 17m; SSB
AS-017 JR6FC Okinawa 10m; Digi
AS-077 JF6TWP Kyushu 12m; SSB
AS-101 HS0ZGV Malay Peninsula (E)17m; FT8
EU-006 EA6UP Balearic 20m; CW
EU-004 EA6VQ Balearic 12m; FT8
EU-005 2E0TXE Great Britain 20m; FT8
EU-005 G0UWK Great Britain 20m; SSB
EU-005 G3BJ Great Britain 20m; SSB
EU-005 G3XBI Great Britain 10m; FT8
EU-005 GB0ELR Great Britain 40m; SSB
EU-005 GB1RNLI Great Britain 20m; CW
EU-005 GB1VE Great Britain 40m; SSB
EU-005 GB1945PE Great Britain 10m; CW
EU-005 GB1945PJ Great Britain 30m; FT8
EU-005 GB4GCT Great Britain 40/20m; CW/SSB
EU-005 GB75PEACE Great Britain 20/10m; CW/SSB
EU-005 GM2TT Scotland 20m; FT8
EU-005 M0XTA Great Britain 60m
EU-005 MM0HVU Scotland 60m
EU-009 GM8OFQ Orkney 20/10m; SSB
EU-023 9H4CM Gozo 17m; SSB
EU-024 IS0WKK Sardinia 60m
EU-030 OZ30EU Bornholm 20m; SSB
Eu-030 OZ8IE/P Bornholm 40m; SSB
EU-062 LA6OP Nordland/Nord-Trondelag 20/17m; FT8
EU-084 SM0CXS Trasko 20m; FT8
EU-114 GU75LIB Guernsey 80m
EU-115 MI0HZD Northern Ireland 20m; FT8
EU-116 MD0CCE Isle of Man 20m; Digi
EU-120 M0OPV Wight 20m; SSB
EU-152 EA7IYF Almeria/Granada/Malaga 10m; SSB
EU-171 5P1KZX Vendsyssel/Thy 17m; FT8
EU-172 5P6MJ Jylland East/Fyn 20m; FT4
EU-175 CU3HN Azores 20m; SSB
EU-186 TA4VA Turkey 20m; SSB
NA-021 8P6NW Barbados 20m; SSB
NA-026 WA2HMM Long 10m; Digi
NA-027 VO1AW Newfoundland 20m; FT8
NA-027 VO1TXC/M Newfoundland 20m; SSB
NA-090 XF3PAS Cozumel 15m; SSB
NA-096 HI3Y Dominican Republic 40m; CW
NA-099 KP4ATF Puerto Rico 20m; SSB
NA-099 WP3R Puerto Rico 20m; SSB
NA-102 FG4OJ Guadeloupe 20m; FT8
NA-105 FS5GL St. Martin 20m; CW
NA-134 OX3LX Aasiaat 20/17m; FT8
NA-187 K6AVP CA State Central 20m; FT8
OC-013 E51JD Rarotonga 20m; SSB
OC-019 KH6RX Hawaiian 20m; SSB
OC-019 WH6S Hawaiian 20m; CW
OC-021 8C2WFH Central Java 20m; Digi/SSB
OC-036 ZL1BD NZ North 20m; SSB
OC-036 ZL1MVL NZ North 40m; Digi
OC-036 ZL1WN NZ North 20m; SSB
OC-042 DU3LA Luzon 20m; SSB
OC-070 YB8XOB Seram 20m; FT8
OC-097 5W1STAYSAFE Samoa 17m; FT8
OC-129 DU7EYG Visayan 40m; FT8
OC-134 ZL4AS NZ South 20m; Digi
OC-147 YG9WKB West Papua's Coast (N) 40m; FT8
SA-011 9Z4AM Trinidad and Tobago 20m; SSB
SA-018 CE7VPQ Chiloe 20m; SSB
OC-088 9M8DEN Borneo 20m; Digi
2020 RSGB IOTA CONTEST. Per the RSGB Contest Committee: In line with «Stay at Home» guidance, to minimize the impact of Covid-19, the IOTA Contest in 2020 is exclusively for Single Operators using their home stations; Single Operator Fixed «Island» or «World» Stations are eligible to enter. RSGB will not be awarding trophies in 2020 but downloadable certificates will be available to winners….
EU-042. Mike, DG5LAC, will be active as DG5LAC/P from Amrum Island (WLOTA 2464, maybe sometimes WWFF DLFF-242 Amrumer Dunes) between May 18-24th. Activity will be on SSB and FT8/FT4. QSL via DG5LAC, direct, by the Bureau, ClubLog’s OQRS, LoTW, eQSL or ClubLog’s OQRS.
NA-039/NA-070. Members of the Russian Robinson Club (RRC) plan to activate Kiska Island (NA-070) between September 5-10th (dates are subject to change due to travel restrictions). Callsign men-tioned is KL7RRC. Operators mentioned are Yuri/N3QQ, Rob/N7QT, Vyacheskav/OK8AU and Yuri/UA9OBA (possibly Tim/NL8F and Alexey/NW7M). Activity will be on 40-6 meters using CW, SSB and FT8 (F/H), with three stations. Suggested FT8 frequencies are: 7056, 10131, 14090, 18095, 21091, 24911, 28091 and 50323 kHz. QSL via N7RO. All donors will receive QSL direct. After their Kiska Island operation, the team will activate Adak Island (NA-039) between September 11-18th (also subject to change). For more details and updates, see: https://www.na-234.com
SA-079. Members of the PARA DX Group are planning to activate for the first time ever Ilha das Palmas (new DIB for Brazil, RJ [to be defined]) in the Rio de Janeiro State Center Group as ZV1M between July 24-26th, during the next RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th). Operators mentioned are Renato/PY8WW, Carlos/PY1CG and Marcelo/PY1MT. Ilha das Palmas is a small island, uninhabited and without any infrastructure, there is no electricity or drinking water. Landing is done on rocks and sea conditions are generally not good. The Grid Locator is GG86FW. Activity will be on 80/40/20/15/10 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. QSL via PY1MT, direct or by the Bureau.
PLEASE NOTE: Since the Webmasters of the new have decided NOT to post or dedicate a Web page to announce upcoming IOTA operations, PLEASE send your IOTA operations information to the OPDX, and we will post it here in an upcoming bulletin.
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