Новости IOTA (29 March, 2020)

Опубликована информация об активности радиолюбителей с островов по дипломной программе «Islands On The Air» (IOTA), предоставленная Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster, по состоянию на 29 марта 2020 года. Составлена Tedd’ом Mirgliotta KB8NW по сообщениям, полученным от друзей программы IOTA — «Острова в эфире». Изображения добавлены из других различных источников.

IOTA News from OPDX

29 March, 2020

CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz

Island activities:

AS-207. (Reminder/NEW) Members of the Russian Robinson Club (RRC) will be active as R207RRC from Kosa Dvukh Pilotov Island (RDA CK-05, WW Loc AP18gg, RRA RR-11-05) in the Chukchi Sea Coast Centre group for the first time ever between April 3-10th (estimated dates). Operators mentioned are Victor/UA3AKO, Yuri/UA0KBG and Alexander/RA3AV. Activity will be on 40/30/20/15 meters using CW, SSB and possibly FT8 (F/H). QSL via UA3AKO, direct, by the Bureau or ClubLog’s OQRS. For more details and updates, watch QRZ.com or the Web page: http://r207rrc.ru
They need your financial support because of the complex and expensive logistics. PayPal address is: r207rrc@gmail.com

From RSGB HFCC (Posted March 24th, by the RSGB Communications Manager, Heather Parsons):
IOTA Contest and additional contests — We have reached a point with COVID-19 that it is inappropriate for us to run the IOTA Contest in July 2020 in its usual format. We cannot encourage our participants to operate in multi-operator groups nor to travel to island locations where visitors are not currently welcome. We would like your opinion on whether we should cancel outright or should retain a contest this year for single operator, home stations only.

We are also conscious that a large number of our members are going to be spending more time at home than normal. Unable to enjoy many of our favorite outdoor contests we are proposing a series of home-based day-time contests to entertain and support one another.

Both these issues are detailed in a survey which we invite you to
complete. This is at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/RSGB_HFCC_2020.
The survey is open until Friday 3 April after which the outcomes will be made public.

PLEASE NOTE: Since the Webmasters of the new <www.iota-world.org> have decided NOT to post or dedicate a Web page to announce upcoming IOTA operations, PLEASE send your IOTA operations information to the OPDX, and we will post it here in an upcoming bulletin.

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