Полезные ссылки на наиболее удачные публикации по любительской тематике в этом обзоре ТОП радиолюбительских интернет ресурсов за прошлую неделю. К просмотру предлагается обзор лучших радиолюбительских сайтов: «Top Amateur Radio Websites» (Выпуск No 2005). Подборка интересных и полезных для радиолюбителей ссылок составлена 1 марта 2020 года на DXzone.com.
Thsi article describes a microcontroller driven semi-automatic antenna tuner capable of handling power levels up to 150 watts. The device is a low pass filter tuner manually tuned by setting the optimized L/C combination by hand and then storing the values into the EEPROM of the mictrocontroller to recall them later (seperately for each band from 80 to 10 meters including WARC bands)
Zeus Radio program is designed specifically for the ZS-1 transceiver and supports all the basic functions (RIT, XIT, SPLIT, Noise Reduction, Auto Notch Filter, etc.) in order to work in the broadcast brought only pleasure. Zeus Radio works also with Hermes, Anan, Afedri, Red Pitaya, HiQSDR, Odyssey, Extio, RTL-SDR, Peaberry, Winradio, SDR-IQ, Afedri
How-to decode and Display APRS Packets from WebSDR Audio using linux computer
This page contains links to a variety of data signals that have been specially recorded. Each file contains a standard test message (the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog) repeated twice. The files can help you learn the characteristic sound of various data modes but they can also be used to make sure your decoder is working.
How to solve the problems with the ICOM IC R7100 receiver that every time the squelch opens or closes, it produces a clicking noise.
Repairing an Anritsu MS2711A handheld spectrum analyzer