Полезные ссылки на наиболее удачные публикации по любительской тематике в этом обзоре ТОП радиолюбительских интернет ресурсов за прошлую неделю. К просмотру предлагается обзор лучших радиолюбительских сайтов: «Top Amateur Radio Websites» (Выпуск No 2007). Подборка интересных и полезных для радиолюбителей ссылок составлена 24 марта 2020 года на DXzone.com.
Home made Artificial Ground. This article contains a schematics of a custom artificial ground device that can be used to ground your station equipment if you live in an higher floor and cannot effort a proper dedicated ground connection. This Artificial Ground has been designed by Colyn Baillie-Searle GD4EIRP
A simple drawing schematic of a portable field dipole for 14 MHz with dimensions in meters and instruction for setting up the antenna and to store the radial for easy transportation
The dipole shown in this document is installed in an inverted Vee configuration, with two leg elements on each side held parallel to each other by 21cm spacers. The upper leg is for 40m and the lower leg for 20m. The spacers are made of 7mm plastic garden hose support for garden sprayers cut to 21cm.
The project in this article illustrates how to do this in a simple and low cost way so that you can easily access the microwave bands using the existing HF or HF/VHF transceiver as IF.
Have you been looking for an easy way to measure power or SWR at 1296 MHz? One thing is certain, it is not easy – simply because the normal range of SWR meters that most of us have is not up to 1300 MHz.
A useful and simple project to convert an unneeded car power cable to an Anderson PowerPole adapter.