International World Women’s Day 2019

Международное YL-мероприятие по случаю Всемирного женского дня 2019. В шестой раз, YL группа DARC и Софи F4DHQ организуют международное мероприятие в рамках Международного женского дня. В пятницу, 8 марта 2019 года с 19:00 до 23:00 Z (18:00 до 22:00 UTC) на 20м, 40м и 80м в SSB & CW.

The scope of this activity is to make as many as possible contacts with YLs. The points per QSO are allocated according to the scheme below. All participants who submit their log will receive a participant’s award in «pdf» format free of charge.

Point :

There are two participant categories: OM and YL. Points awarded per QSO:

YL OM 1 point
YL YL 3 points
Scope of activity:

We would like to encourage a large number of YLs to be active and on the air during the 4 hours of this activity.

Participants from Germany shall send their log to Heike, DL3HD ( while participants from other countries shall send their log to Sophie, F4DHQ (

The logs shall be in chronological order and must contain QSO date, -time (in UTC), band, mode, call of QSO partner, name of the YL, RST and the points claimed.

Submission deadline is: May 1st, 2019

The requests for award must be sent before May 1st 2018. The log may be emailed as an excel file under following form (use your callsign as filename):

Callsign :
Email :


DATE Time UTC Band Mode Callsign Name Report Points

The awards will be mailed by Sophie, F4DHQ after the evaluation of the submitted logs. The award ranking list will be published in the CQ DL and on as well as in the respective amateur radio media in France.

We wish all participants good luck and many successful contacts!

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Sophie, F4DHQ, and Heike, DL3HD.